pricing: CORPORATIONs committed to csr


Do you feel your grass roots? Know what's going on in the communities where you operate? Want to raise your profile?

Perhaps your CSR activities are focusing on:

  • philanthropy
  • improving operational effectiveness
  • transforming your business model
  • all three!

Whatever your CSR agenda, your involvement with FULCRUM can be designed to enable groups that have relatively meagre resources to access and develop their social, community and personal assets by being involved with FULCRUM too. We can be the vehicle for you to give a leg up to others in the community who would not normally have access to such opportunities. 

If you have a particular group in mind, great. If not, we can help you identify a suitable community initiative. The two Events usually run separately due to having group-specific aims.

Yes, that does mean you are paying for someone else as well as for your own folk. We will do it in a fun way that develops your own company at the same time.